“…An indication of this will be noticed when validating the coe$cient spectra, as in item 5; (4) Fourier coe$cient spectra estimation, using equation (10); (5) Validation of coe$cient spectra using the truncated version of equations (7), and measured validation spectra not used in the estimation of the Fourier coe$cient spectra, as in item 4; (6) Assume new values for the properties for the "ctitious part, DGAR , and carry out 2}5 until the convergence criterion is ful"lled, i.e., the error between the predicted and separately measured validation spectra is minimized; (7) Displacement response prediction at 3n#1 points, i.e., the point of interest and n adjacent points in each (Cartesian) co-ordinate direction, using the truncated version of equation (7); (8) Strain tensor calculation using "nite di!erence schemes of order n and equation (A.6). It is assumed that the numerical di!erentiation is performed by n#1 point "nite di!erence schemes (see reference [2]); (9) Traction vector estimation using the calculated strain tensor and equation (6).…”