We perform calculations of the CP-violating atomic and molecular electric dipole moments (EDM) induced by the interaction of the nuclear Schiff moments with electrons. EDM of atoms Eu, Dy, Gd, Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np and Pu are of special interest since they have isotopes with strongly enhanced nuclear Schiff moments caused by the octupole nuclear deformation or soft octupole vibration mode.These atoms have open 4f or 5f shells making the calculations complicated. We use our special version of the configuration interaction method combined with the many-body perturbation theory method adopted for open f -shell case. To validate the method we perform similar calculations for simpler atoms (Xe, Hg, Tl + , Pb, Pb ++ , Rn, Ra) where some earlier results are available. In addition we present the estimates of the CP-violating nuclear spin -molecular axis interaction constants for molecules which may be of experimental interest including AcF, AcN, AcO + , EuN, EuO + , ThO, PbO and TlF. We also present updated values of the nuclear Schiff moments and atomic and molecular EDM expressed in terms of the CP-violating π-meson -nucleon interaction constantsḡ0, g1,ḡ2, QCD parameterθ and quark chromo-EDMs. The results may be used to test CP-violation theories and search for axion dark matter in atomic, molecular and solid state experiments.1 Nuclear EDM and magnetic quadrupole produced by the T,Podd nuclear forces are also enhanced due to an opposite parity level with the same spin close to the ground state [9,15]. Collective enhancement of the magnetic quadrupole moments in deformed nuclei have been demonstrated in [16].9 Some older molecular calculations presented constant X = W S /6. Table I to the energy shift W T,P = W S S J J · n gives for the fully polarised molecule the energy difference between the J z = J and J z = −J states:
Substitution of the Schiff moment from