Double-excitation Rydberg resonances of He below the TV =2 threshold of He + were studied with an energy resolution of =4 meV by photoionization using synchrotron radiation. All three Rydberg series of ] P° resonances accessible by photoabsorption, including the hitherto "missing" (2p,nd)*P° series, were resolved. This settles a long-standing discrepancy between experiment and theoretical predictions and establishes a firm basis for testing the accuracy of atomic multiconfiguration calculations.PACS 31.20.Tz, 31.50,+w, 32.80.Fb Doubly excited He is the archetypical example for autoionization phenomena, since it represents the most fundamental autoionizing atomic system, which is-due to its relative simplicity-also readily accessible to theoretical treatment. After the initial pioneering experimental [l] and theoretical [2] work, progress in this field was relatively slow due to severe spectroscopic limitations, in particular of available photon sources in the 60-to 80-eV range. In recent years, however, considerable attention has been paid to these states, as well as to related states in H~, from both the theoretical [3-7] and the experimental [8] point of view.Upon excitation of both electrons to states below the TV =2 ionization threshold of the He + , IP2, final states with six different symmetries 0S e ,*S e , { P°, 3 P°, ] D e , 3 D e ) can be populated, each containing up to three Rydberg series [3,9,10]. In photoexcitation, the dipole-selection rule allows only X P° final states, which reduces the number of observable Rydberg series to three [10]: Only two of them, the (sp,2n + ) x P° and the (sp,2n~) x P° series could be observed until now [3,8], while the third (2p,nd) l P° series was missing [11]. This situation has led to considerable confusion, since the various theoretical calculations are characterized by substantial discrepancies with respect to the energies and widths of the (2p,nd) ] P° states [5][6][7][11][12][13][14][15].In the present Letter we report on the first observation of the four lowest states of the (2p,nd) ] P° series by high-resolution photoabsorption spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. With a resolving power of E/AE = 16000 combined with high photon flux, the (sp, 2n + ) x P° and (sp,2n -) l P° series were in addition resolved up to the n =20 and the n = 11 state, respectively. These results complete the identification of the simplest double-excitation states of He, i.e., the three Rydberg series of states accessible by photoexcitation below IP 2 . They also clarify a long-standing theoretical controversy concerning the correct energies of these states and provide a means to check the quality of existing as well as of future atomic multiconfiguration calculations for He.The measurements were performed with the highresolution SX700/II monochromator operated by the Freie Universitat Berlin at BESSY. With this beam line, a resolving power of E/AE> 10000 at hv = 60 eV had previously been achieved [8,16]. In the present work, the resolution at high photon flux could be further...