An automatic fitting procedure has been employed to analyze experimentally studied paramagnetic complexes in powder form by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). A least-squares fitting procedure utilizing analytical derivatives of the theoretically calculated spectrum with respect to the g-, zero-field, nuclear quadrupole, and hyperfine tensors was used to refine those parameters. An anisotropic line width could also be fitted. The theoretically calculated spectra were obtained by matrix diagonalization of a general spin Hamiltonian allowing also magnetical[y coupled systems to be analyzed. A VO 2~ S = 1/2 complex showing g and hyperfine anisotropic interactions and free radical systems featuring Aro I =~ 0 transitions due to the direct field effect or the presence of quadrupolar nuclei have been analyzed as well as NO s species on surfaces and radiation defects employed for EPR dosimetry. Analysis of systems with S > 1/2 and magnetically coupled species has also been attempted.