he exact measurement of the radius of the curvature of the cornea is crucial for planning the diopter of the intraocular lenses (IOLs) for implantation during cataract surgery. The error in measurements of the keratometric data can lead to unwanted postoperative refractive error. Although keratometric mistakes are not the first or most frequent source of error in today's biometric methods, 1 keratometry has an undisputed and important role in cataract surgery. Moreover, cases of implantation of toric IOLs require more precise keratometric readings and cylinder axis determination than ever before.There are numerous papers showing that the repeatability of keratometric measurements is excellent in the case of the IOLMaster (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany), 2-4 although above 42.0 diopters (D), the cylinder axis has relatively low repeatability data.2 In the case of the Lenstar (Haag-Streit, Koeniz, Switzerland), the interclass coefficient of the variation of the astigmatism axis was 0.915 and the mean arithmetic difference between the two measurement sessions was 3.19°, with an absolute difference of a median of 9°. 5 The Lenstar keratometry has repeatable values, 6,7 but according to Zhao et al., 7 the Lenstar and the IOLMaster cannot be used interchangeably in relation to keratometric data. With regard to average keratometric data, it seems that the Lenstar is biometrically equivalent to the IOLMaster, 8 and the correlation between the cylinder axis measurements of the IOLMaster and the Lenstar is high.9 However, Rohrer et al. 9 observed that the differences between the axis value of the flattest meridian in the Lenstar and the IOLMaster in a large percentage of patients is unacceptably high. Besides these controversialTo analyze the repeatability of keratometric and white-to-white (WTW) distance measurements with the VERION Measurement Module (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) and to compare the measured data to the results of the IOLMaster (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany).
METHODS:Three images were captured with the VERION and the flattest and steepest keratometric data, the astigmatism axis, and the WTW distance were recorded. Subsequently, the axial length, the keratometric data with axis, and the WTW distance were measured with an IOLMaster. The repeatability data of the keratometric value of the VERION System, converted to cross cylinder J 0 and J 45 vector components, were analyzed. The agreement data for keratometry obtained by the VERION System and the differences regarding keratometric data and WTW distance compared to IOLMaster were calculated.
RESULTS:The measurements were conducted in 50 eyes of 50 healthy volunteers (median age: 50.32 years, range: 19.34 to 85.3 years). The flattest and the steepest keratometric data, the diopter of astigmatism, the J 0 and J 45 vector components, and WTW distance did not differ significantly between devices (P > .05). Intraclass correlation coefficients (range: 0.863 to 0.994) and Cronbach's alpha values (range: 0.950 to 0.998) were high for all p...