The paper presents a description of the modified temperature-moisture relationships, selected on the basis of the analysis of the kinetics of drying of liquid dispersed products on substrates and the methods of engineering calculation of the kinetics of drying with their application. Classification of the types of kinetic curves characterizing the change in the type of thermogram, such as a change in the angle of inclination, deformation and degeneration of the wet-bulb thermometer and boiling plateaux, allows obtaining a modified type of temperature-moisture relationships for their use in calculations of the drying kinetics. The choice of the type of temperature-moisture relationship is carried out on the basis of the solution developed by the authors of the forecast model of the kinetic curve type. The engineering method for calculating the kinetics of drying liquid dispersed products on substrates is based on solving the basic equation of drying kinetics, choosing the type of temperature-moisture relationship, calculating the coordinates of the reference points of temperature-moisture relationship, determined on the basis of the drying mode and the properties of the dried material.