The injection of fully-developed turbulent heated air from a tube into a cooler turbulent duct flow is examined, as an analogy to film cooled turbine blades. A LES numerical model is developed and applied in which tube and duct turbulence inflow effects are emulated using a divergence-free synthetic eddy method (SEM). For direct comparison, a hot-wire experiment is conducted within the ERB test cell SW-6 at NASA Glenn Research Center. Results related to velocity, temperature, and heat flux are obtained numerically and experimentally for a blowing ratio of 1.2, involving a 36 K temperature difference. The relative effect on the solutions of tube and duct inflow turbulence is systematically evaluated. The impact of inherent low-pass filtering of temperature measurements and probe wire offset on the experimental results are addressed. * Aerospace Engineer, Turbomachinery and Turboelectric Propulsion Branch, Member AIAA. † Aerospace Engineer, Turbomachinery and Turboelectric Propulsion Branch, Army Research Lab ‡ Aerospace Engineer, Turbomachinery and Turboelectric Propulsion Branch § Professor, Departments of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Associate Fellow AIAA.