ABSTRACT:Fractionated samples of poly(phthaloyl-trans-2,5-dimethylpiperazine) in various organic solvents at 25"C were studied by light scattering, viscosity, and sedimentation velocity. The data obtained for z-average mean-square radii of gyration (S2)z, intrinsic viscosities [7)], and sedimentation coefficients so exhibited features predictable for stiff or semiflexible chains. Thus an attempt was made to analyze the data by combination of the Yamakawa-Fujii theory for intrinsic viscosity and the Benoit-Doty expression for mean-square radius of gyration of unperturbed wormlike chains with a reasonable assumption for the partial specific volume. In this way, three parameters q, ML, and d characterizing the wormlike cylinder were estimated for each solvent; for example, q=33 A, ML=33 daltons/A, and d=7.4 A in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone. Here q is the persistence length, ML is the molecular weight per unit length of the wormlike cylinder, and d is the its diameter. The estimated parameter values were found to reproduce quite closely the observed molecular weight dependence of (S 2 ),, [ri], and so.KEY WORDS Poly(phthaloyl-trans-2,5-dimethylpiperazine) / Wormlike Chain / Persistence Length / Dilute Solution / RefractiveIndex Increment / Light Scattering / Intrinsic Viscosity / Sedimentation Coefficient / Yamakawa-Fujii Theory / Benoit-Doty Theory / Poly (phthaloyl-trans-2, 5 -dimethylpiperazine) (abbreviated PPDP in the following presentation) is one of a series of polyamides synthesized by Morgan, et al.