" HuNren, R. B. 1978. Selection andevaluation procedures for whole-plant corn silage. Can. J. plant Sci.5g: 661_6j8.Most corn (Zea mays L.) breeders in North America and Europe have accepted the concept that the best grain-producing genotypes are also the most suited foi forage corn production. This paperreviews the avaiiible literature related to the selection of com for forage (whore-prant corn sirage). The three primary objectives in forage corn producrion are (l) high dry matter (DM) yield-per unit lrea of land, d) sufficient DM content to ensure proper fermentatioh and high animal DM intake and (3) high feeding value. Current literature suggests that co; breeders should select forage.genotypes from corn that produces a reisonably high proportion offinal DM as grain. such types u^suaily yield a high amount of good quarity forage with sufficient DM content for ensiring. There is, however,lvidence suggesting that selecting forage corn exclusively on its grain yield performance may liriit poientiat improvement in DM yield and quality. Recent literature suggests tirat selection for high total-plant DM yierd, sufficient DM content and high w'ir-ore-prant quarity (high grain. content plus high stover quality) may be u .or"-r"liuble.app.oaih to-forale com improvement than selection for trigh yiLld of grain only.T a plupart des s6lectionneurs de ma\s (Zea mays L.) de I'Am6rique du Nord et de I'Europe considdrent, d'uqe fagon g6n6rale, que les meilreurs g6;otyp", de mais grain sont aussi ceux qui conviennent le mieui h Ia production"Oa -ui, fourrage.Nous passons ici en revue la bibliographie touchant ia s6lection du mais fourra'ge (ensilage plante entibre). Les trois premiers objectifs recherch6s dans la productiJn de ce type de culture sont (l)