Building Topo-Clusters Topological cell clustering, or topo-clustering, is the process by which the individual calorimeter cells are topologically combined in order to find groupings of hard-scatter activity. The resulting three-dimensional groups of cells are known as topo-clusters. Reference [2] contains a full description of the topo-clustering procedure, while the below is a general introduction.The topo-clustering algorithm is designed to suppress calorimeter contributions from noise-related effects, while retaining activity from real physical processes. In order to do this, it is necessary to have a reasonable estimate of the average amount of noise in a typical calorimeter cell, σ noise . In very early LHC data taking conditions, σ noise was essentially given by the average amount of electronic noise in a given cell of the calorimeter. Now that the pileup level has increased considerably, the associated amount of energy spread throughout the calorimeter from pileup activity dominates the electronic noise, and σ noise ≈ σ noise pileup . The average expected noise allows for the definition of a cell significance, ς cell = E cell /σ noise . This quantity defines the probability of which the observed cell energy comes from noise, and thus provides a useful discrimination technique to suppress unwanted contributions. This is then used to construct a series of dynamic topoclusters using the following three-stage classification, often called the ATLAS 4-2-0 topo-cluster threshold scheme. In order to build the topo-clusters, all seed cells are identified and sorted in decreasing significance. Then, starting with the highest significance cell, all adjacent cells are tested for secondary status. This works in all three spatial dimensions, thus the adjacent cells can be in the same layer of the same calorimeter, different layers of the same calorimeter, or even different calorimeters. If the adjacent cell passes the secondary requirement, but was already in the collection of seed cells, it is removed from the seed collection. This procedure is then iterated, looking for new secondary cells adjacent to already identified secondary cells, and continues until no new secondary cells are added. The topo-cluster is then completed by adding all cells adjacent to the seed or secondary cell(s) that pass the tertiary requirement, which in this case corresponds to all adjacent cells. This step is not iterative. This entire procedure is then repeated for each seed cell until none remain.Once the raw topo-clusters have been built, the next step is to search for local maxima within each topo-cluster. This is important for events such as collimated Z boson decays, where two energetic quarks can be produced in close proximity.