Kratak sadr`aj: Cilj ove studije bio je da se pomo}u profila PAGE odrede nivoi proteina i enzima u serumu subjekata sa osteoartritisom (OA). Za studiju je izabrana 41 osoba sa potvr|enom dijagnozom OA. Uzorci seruma su u jednakim koli~inama zasebno stavljeni na PAGE sa i bez denaturacije. Softverska analiza ovih profila obavljena je pomo}u pro grama Scion Imaging (Beta release-4, Scion Corporation) and GelPro (Media Cybernetics, SAD). Radi vizualizacije esteraza i (Est) izoenzima laktat dehidrogenaze (LDH) u serumu ovih pacijenata izvr{eno je bojenje specifi~nim supstratom. Razlike u vrednostima kontrolnih i osoba sa OA su statisti~ki testirane. Softverska analiza PAGE profila bez denaturacije otkrila je prisustvo devetnaest peptida u kontroli i dvadeset jednog u osobama sa OA. Dva dodatna peptida bila su prisutna u regionu gama-globulina kod osoba sa OA. Zna~ajan pad sa 42,77% na 36,72 % nivoa albumina (hipoalbuminemia) prime}en je kod osoba sa OA a odnos ukupnog albumina i globulina bio je 0,58. U SAD-PAGE, razlika izme|u kontrola i osoba sa OA uo~ena je izme|u osam peptida molekularne te`ine 25, 22 i 20 kDa (kojih nema u OA) i pet novih peptida od 270, 125, 30, 21,36 i 18,5 kDa (kojih nema kod kontrola), dok je albumin zadr`ao najve}u aktivnost. Za enzime, Est prate relativni poredak BchEst (42,86%) > ArylEst (16,24%) > AchEst (6,85%) kod osoba sa OA uz ekspresiju nove izoforme BchEst sa 4,78% i dve izoforme ArylEst u koncentracijama od 2,13 i 1,61%. Esterazi sli~na aktivnost albumina (AlbEst) bila je zna~ajno (P<0,05) sni`ena (34%) kod obolelih u pore|enju sa kontrolom (47%). Zna~ajan porast LDH-5 i pad LDH-1 i -2 izoenzima tako|e su prime}eni Summary: The aim of the present study was to assess the serum proteins and enzymes level using polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic (PAGE) profiles in human subjects with osteo arthritis (OA). Forty-one subjects with confir med OA were selected for the present study. Sera were collected from these individuals and loaded in equal amounts on native and denaturing PAGE separately. Software analysis of these profiles was done using Scion Imaging (Beta release-4, Scion Corporation) and GelPro (Media Cybernetics, USA) programs. To visualize esterases (Est) and lactate dehydro genase (LDH) isoenzymes in the sera of these patients substrate specific staining was performed. Differences in the values of control and OA subjects were tested statistically. Software analysis of native-PAGE profiles revealed the presence of nineteen peptides in control and twenty one in OA subjects respectively. Two extra peptides were present in the b-globulins region of OA subjects. Significant decline from 42.77% to 34.72% in albumin levels (hypoalbuminemia) was observed in OA subjects with total albumin to globulin ratio 0.58. In SDS-PAGE, the difference in control and OA subjects was observed among eight peptides with molecular weight 25, 22 and 20 kDa (absent in OA) and five novel peptides 270, 125, 30, 21.36 and 18.4 kDa (absent in controls), while albumin retains the major activity. For enzymes...