The p po e of hi d a o a e Ma land D g Co emplo ee eadine and perceived commitment to peer worker integration, as measured by the Readiness for Organizational Change Scale and the Commitment to Organizational Change Scale. A nonexperimental quantitative cross-sectional correlational study was conducted with 110 employees of m l idi ciplina eam i hin Ma land Office of P oblem-Sol ing Co . K Le in nf ee e, change, ef ee e change model a ili ed a he o e a ching conceptual framework. Re l gge ha an emplo ee eadine fo pee o ke in eg a ion i a p ec o o an emplo ee commi men o pee o ke in eg a ion, and he efo e p edic an employee s probability of behavior prior to, during, and after peer worker integration. Therefore, drug courts should consider establishing initial and ongoing training for staff that specificallyfocuses on the purpose of the peer worker within the multidisciplinary team while also ensuring there is a strategic communication plan on the role and function of the peer worker. Additionally, drug courts could establish a peer worker referral system in the early stages of the drug court pa icipan ind c ion o inc ea e in e ac ion be een he pee o ke and m l idi ciplinary team members. Finally, drug courts should consider focusing on formally incorporating peer workers into the policies and procedures of drug courts and establish an evaluative process that includes peer workers in terms of drug court outcome measures.