The development and physiologic role of small intestine (SI) vasculature is poorly studied. This is partly due to a lack of targetable, organ-specific markers for in vivo studies of two critical tissue components: endothelium and stroma. This challenge is exacerbated by limitations of traditional cell culture techniques, which fail to recapitulate mechanobiologic stimuli known to affect vessel development. Here, we construct and characterize a 3D in vitro microfluidic model that supports the growth of patient-derived intestinal subepithelial myofibroblasts (ISEMFs) and endothelial cells (ECs) into perfused capillary networks. We report how ISEMF and EC-derived vasculature responds to physiologic parameters such as oxygen tension, cell density, growth factors, and pharmacotherapy with an antineoplastic agent (Erlotinib). Finally, we demonstrate effects of ISEMF and EC co-culture on patientderived human intestinal epithelial cells (HIECs), and incorporate perfused vasculature into a gut-ona-chip (GOC) model that includes HIECs. Overall, we demonstrate that ISEMFs possess angiogenic properties as evidenced by their ability to reliably, reproducibly, and quantifiably facilitate development of perfused vasculature in a microfluidic system. We furthermore demonstrate the feasibility of including perfused vasculature, including ISEMFs, as critical components of a novel, patient-derived, GOC system with translational relevance as a platform for precision and personalized medicine research. Blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients needed to sustain life. As such, their structure and response to physiological stimuli are crucial to nearly all aspects of human biology. This includes normal developmental and pathological conditions affecting the SI such as short gut syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer 1-6 .