Over the past decade, innovations in the field of pediatric imaging have been largely based on single center and retrospective studies, which provided limited advances for the benefit of pediatric patients. In order to identify opportunities for potential quantum leap progress to the field of Pediatric Imaging, the American College of Radiology - Pediatric Imaging Research (ACR - PIR) Committee has identified high impact research directions related to the P4 Concept of Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, and Participatory Diagnosis and Intervention. Input from 237 members of the Society for Pediatric Radiology was clustered towards ten priority areas, which will be discussed in this article. Needs of each priority area have been analyzed in detail by dedicated ACR-PIR experts in these topics. By facilitating work on these priority areas, we hope to revolutionize the care of children by shifting our efforts from unilateral reaction to clinical symptoms to interactive maintenance of child health.