PuRPOSE: To evaluate the antitumor activity of alcoholic extracts of green tea (Camella sinensis). METhOdS: Four groups of six Wistar rats were inoculated intramuscularly with 10 6 Walker tumor cells/mL. During 10 days, the animals received by gavage either 0.9% saline solution (Group I; negative control), solution containing 20 mg/Kg of tamoxifen (Group II; positive control), solution containing 0.07 g/Kg alcoholic extract of C. sinensis (Group III), or solution containing 0.14 g/Kg alcoholic extract of C. sinensis (Group IV). Following euthanasia on the tenth day, the tumor, liver, kidneys and spleen were excised and weighed, and tumor volume and tumor growth inhibition were quantified. RESuLTS: The average weight of the animals was greater in Group IV than in Group II (p=0.0107). Tumor weight was smaller in Group IV than in Group I (p=0.0062), but did not differ from Group II. Tumor volume was smaller in Groups II and IV than in Group I (p=0.0131). Tumor growth inhibition was observed in Groups II (44.67% ± 32.47), III (16.83% ± 53.02) and IV (66.4% ± 25.82) (p>0.05). The groups did not differ with regard to the weight of the excised organs. CONCLuSION: Alcoholic extracts of green tea have antitumor activity. Key words: Camellia sinensis. Catechin. Carcinoma 256, Walker. Rats.
RESuMO ObJETIVO: Avaliar a atividade antitumoral do extrato alcoólico do chá verde (C. sinensis).
MéTOdOS: Quatro grupos de seis ratos Wistar foram inoculados com 1x106 células/mL do tumor de Walker por via intramuscular. Os grupos foram tratados durante 10 dias, por gavagem, com salina 0,9 % (Grupo I, controle negativo), 20 mg/Kg de tamoxifeno (Grupo II, controle positivo) e extrato alcoólico de C. sinensis nas doses de 0,07 g/Kg (Grupo III) ou 0,14 g/Kg (Grupo IV). O volume e a inibição do crescimento tumoral foram calculados. RESuLTAdOS: A média dos pesos dos animais foi maior no Grupo IV do que no Grupo II (p=0,0107). O peso tumoral do Grupo IV foi menor do que o Grupo I (p=0,0062), mas não houve diferença quando comparado ao Grupo II. O volume tumoral foi menor nos grupos II e IV quando comparados ao Grupo I (p=0,0131). Inibição tumoral foi observada nos Grupos II = 44,67 ± 32,47, III = 16,83 ± 53,02 e IV = 66,4 ± 25,82 (p>0,05). Não houve diferença no peso dos órgãos entre os grupos. CONCLuSãO: O extrato alcoólico do chá verde possui ação antitumoral. descritores: Camellia sinensis. Catequina. Carcinoma 256 de Walker. Ratos.
Growth inhibition of Walker carcinosarcoma 256 with alcoholic extract of green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis)Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira -Vol. 27 (9) 2012 -635