The result of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study was reported as "metastasis of primary disease on L2-L3 vertebrae" in a 63-year-old male patient, who developed a back pain after receiving four courses of treatment for AML. The patient, who did not respond to pain medication, was sent to nuclear medicine department for a bone scintigraphy. Diffuse increased osteoblastic activity was reported on L2-L3 vertebrae with a suspicion about infection or fracture, together with a focal osteoblastic activity involvement in the right sacroiliac joint in the bone scintigraphy which was made with Tc99m-MDP. In the mean time, the patient complained about progressive loss of strength on bilateral lower extremities and numbness in legs. Repeated MRI was reported as "irregularities in L2-L3 vertebral disc region concordant with infection, prominent thecal pressure, loss of height in L2-L3 vertebrae associated with osteomyelitis and a mass concordant with paravertebral abscess and granulation tissue". The patient was operated and necrotic tissue was removed by curettage, relieving the compression on L2-L3 and on the disc distance. In culture examination of the sample "candida albicans" was isolated. Antifungal treatment with Amphotericin B was started. Patient's pain was reduced and MRI findings showed some regression in abscess following the treatment. There was improvement in neurological examination. However, relapse in AML was observed in bone marrow aspiration, performed during follow-up and chemotherapy was started again. On the second day of chemotherapy high fever started and cellulitis developed on the right leg. The patient received hemodialysis treatment due to increase in BUN and creatinine levels. Pulmonary edema and associated respiratory insufficiency was developed and the patient died. Fungal infections are one of the most important clinical problems in leukemia patients. However, vertebral osteomyelitis secondary to fungal infection is relatively a rare condition and delay in diagnosis and treatment may led to serious neurological problems. Suspection of a probable fungal infection by clinicians seems vital in such cases. Bone scintigraphy has no place in routine evaluation of leukemia patients. However, we consider that bone scintigraphy should be kept in mind in the first stage of evaluation of such cases, together with other radiological examination, we think that evaluation with consideration of three-phase bone scintigraphy would be beneficial.Keywords: Candida, acute myeloid leukemia, bone scintigraphy, vertebrae osteomyelitis
ÖzetAkut miyeloid lösemi (AML) nedeni ile 4 kür tedavi aldıktan sonra, bel ağrısı gelişen 63 yaşındaki erkek hastada yapılan MR incelemesi raporu "L2-L3 vertebrada primer hastalığın metastazı" idi. Ağrı medikasyonlarına yanıt alınamayan hasta, nükleer tıp bölümüne kemik sintigrafisi için gönderildi. Tc-99m MDP ile yapılan kemik sintigrafisinde, enfeksiyon veya kırık şüphesi uyandıran, L2-L3 vertebralarda diffüz osteoblastik aktivite artışları bununla birlikte, sağ sakr...