We review the geometric formulation of the second Noether's theorem in time-dependent mechanics. The commutation relations between the dynamics on the final constraint manifold and the infinitesimal generator of a symmetry are studied. We show an algorithm for determining a gauge symmetry which is closely related to the process of stabilization of constraints, both in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms. The connections between both formalisms are established by means of the time-evolution operator.It is an easy exercise to prove the result of this theorem writing down the variation of the action under such an infinitesimal variation, performing an appropriate integration by parts, and using that the function ε is arbitrary. However, we want to understand it from a more intrinsic point of view.The geometric setting of the Lagrangian formalism for field theories [10] uses the theory of jet bundles [24]. One starts with a fiber bundle π : E → R and for any pair of integer numbers k, l with k > l ≥ 0 defines the natural projections π k,l : J k π → J l π, where J 0 π = E and denote π k : J k π → R the composition π k = π • π k,0 . The coordinate in R will be denoted (t), and we will refer to it as the time, and in E by (t, q α ). Similarly, coordinates in J k π will be denoted t, q α , q α(1) , . . . , q α (k) . In the particular case of k = 1, J 1 π, usually called evolution space, its coordinates will be denoted in the more usual way (t, q α , v α ) and for k = 2, J 2 π, (t, q α , v α , a α ). When we choose a trivialization E R × Q then the jet bundles also trivialize J k π R × T k Q, but, in general, there is no preferred trivialization.The dynamics is defined as follows: given a π 1 -semibasic 1-form L = L dt, we define the Poincaré-Cartan forms, Θ L = dL • S + L dt ∈ 1 (J 1 π), with S being Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 2006.03:471-487. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by YALE UNIVERSITY on 07/13/15. For personal use only.