A closed, entirely quantum mechanical Josephson oscillator model is considered, consisting of two superconductors in tunneling contact, which weakly interact with the photon field. For each superconductor we use, for notational simplicity, the BCS model in the strong coupling approximation and restrict ourselves to Anderson's quasi-spin formulation. The thermodynamic limit of the global (nonequilibrium) dynamics is formulated for a large variety of states. It arises a generalization of previously developed cocycle equations, connecting the collective behaviour of the two superconductors with the photon field dynamics. In the physically most interesting situations, where the two superconductors are in thermal equilibrium (below the critical temperature) at voltage difference V , we show, that for arbitrary initial states the outgoing multi-photon states are quantum optically all-order coherent and constitute an almost monochromatic radiation of frequency 2eV / . Furthermore, we deduce in detail, how the collective behaviour of the superconductors influences the collective (that are the optical) features of the emitted microwave photons.