A transient ITP-CZE system is proposed for the determination of biogenic amines in urine. The complete separation and identification of dopamine, tyramine (TA), tryptamine (T), serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and normetanephrine have been achieved in a twofold diluted urine sample (in which the analytes were below the LODs by normal CZE). The tITP preconcentration conditions were created by introducing a 30 mM solution of NaOH, containing 0.1% hydroxypropylcellulose (pH 6.5 adjusted with MES), and 0.1 M HCl before and after the sample zone to work as leading and terminating electrolytes, respectively. This allowed the LODs of direct UV absorption detection to be decreased down to the 10 -8 M level that is comparable with the sensitivity thresholds of LIF detection or inline SPE-CE. The RSDs of migration time and peak area for realbiofluid analysis were in the range of 0.1-4.5% and 0.8-16% (n 5 3), respectively. Quantification of dopamine, TA, T, and serotonin was performed using internal calibration. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on probing urinal biogenic amines and their metabolites by tITP-CZE.