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Moffitt Cancer CenterTampa, FL 33612-9497
SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S)US Army Medical Research and Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702-5012
DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release; distribution unlimited
SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES14. ABSTRACT We have collected blood samples from 65 African-American men with prostate cancer and 80 ethnicallymatched control healthy men with questionnaire data on demographics, general health and cancer family history. We chose six biomarkers PSA, KLK2, KLK14, IL6, CAV-1, anti-p53 antibody and OPG as candidates for improved early detection of prostate cancer in plasma from the African American men with and without prostate cancer. We had technical problems with KLK2 and KLK14. Furthermore despite their biological pausability, anti-p53 levels were higher in controls than cases and OPG and CAV-1 showed similiar levels in cases and controls. Therefore only PSA was shown to be a suitable consistent biomarker. The use of nanoscale materials and devices has enhanced the lower limits of detection of proteins and other compounds in plasma and tissues. We have investigated using nanoparticles or quantum dots conjugated to proteins of interest for early cancer detection. Although sub-ELISA levels of proteins were detected, this technology is somewhat cost-prohibitive and not very robust. So we developed a gold nanowire biosensor surface with electrochemical detection on which the PSA antibody is immobilized, We proved the efficiency and sensitivity of this new biosensor for early prostate cancer detection. This study has laid the groundwork to make an impact in early prostate cancer detection through essential investigation into emerging cutting-edge technologies. In the future, the utilization of the gold nanowire microfluidic devices will impact early prostate cancer detection with more appropriate biomarkers.