1) Giddings, J. C.; Myers, M. N . Sep. Sci. Techno/. 1978, 73, 637. (2) Giddings, J. C.; Myers, M. N.; Caldwell, K. D.; Pav, J . W. J . Chroma-(3) Caldwell, K. D.; Nguyen, T. T.; Myers, M. N.; Giddings, J. C. Sep. Sci. fogr. 1979, 785, 261.Caplllary supercritical fluid chromatography was used to facllltate physlcochemlcal measurements assoclated with statlonary-phase effects. A technique Is described for determlnatlon of swelling of nonextractable polymer fllms In the presence of a supercritlcal fluid. Appreciable swelllng factors were measured for the stationary-phase SE-30 In supercritical butane, while decreased swelllng was observed when carbon dloxide was used. Addltional swelling measurements In butane at a varlety of temperatures and densltles are reported. Impllcatlons of these phenomena are discussed In terms of kinetic column effects and chromatographic performance.