To walk efficiently over complex terrain, humans must use vision to tailor their gait to the upcoming ground surface without interfering with the exploitation of passive mechanical forces. We propose that walkers use visual information to initialize the mechanical state of the body before the beginning of each step so the resulting ballistic trajectory of the walker's center-of-mass will facilitate stepping on target footholds. Using a precision stepping task and synchronizing target visibility to the gait cycle, we empirically validated two predictions derived from this strategy: (1) Walkers must have information about upcoming footholds during the second half of the preceding step, and (2) foot placement is guided by information about the position of the target foothold relative to the preceding base of support. We conclude that active and passive modes of control work synergistically to allow walkers to negotiate complex terrain with efficiency, stability, and precision.H umans and other animals are remarkable in their ability to take advantage of what is freely available in the environment to the benefit of efficiency, stability, and coordination in movement. This opportunism can take on at least two forms, both of which are evident in human locomotion over complex terrain: (i) harnessing external forces to minimize the need for self-generated (i.e., muscular) forces (1), and (ii) taking advantage of passive stability to simplify the control of a complex movement (e.g., ref. 2). In the ensuing section, we explain how walkers exploit external forces and passive stability while walking over flat, obstacle-free terrain.* We then generalize this account to walking over irregular surfaces by explaining how walkers can adapt gait to terrain variations while still reaping the benefits of the available mechanical forces and inherent stability. This account leads to hypotheses about how and when walkers use visual information about the upcoming terrain and where that information is found. We derive several predictions from these hypotheses and then put them to the test in three experiments.
Passive Control in Human WalkingThe basic movement pattern of the human gait cycle arises primarily from the phasic activation of flexor and extensor muscle groups by spinal-level central pattern generators, regulated by sensory signals from lower limb proprioceptors and cutaneous feedback from the plantar surface of the foot. This low-level neuromuscular circuitry serves to maintain the rhythmic physical oscillations that define locomotor behavior (see ref. 3 for review). This section will provide an overview of the basic biomechanics of the bipedal gait cycle to show how these inherent physical dynamics contribute to the passive stability and energetic efficiency of human locomotion.During the single support phase of the bipedal gait cycle, when only one foot is in contact with the ground, a walker shares the physical dynamics of an inverted pendulum. The body's center of mass (COM) acts as the bob of the pendulum and is support...