Supermarket receipts have the potential to provide prospective, objective information about the household food supply. The aim of this study was to develop an index to estimate population diet quality using food purchase data. Supermarket receipt data of 1 month were available for 836 adults from a corporate office of a large retail chain. Participants were aged 19-65 years (mean 37路6 (SD 9路3) years), 56 % were female and 63 % were overweight or obese. A scoring system (Healthy Trolley Index (HETI)) was developed to compare food expenditure with the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Monthly expenditure per food group, as a proportion of total food expenditure, was compared with food group recommendations, and a HETI score was calculated to estimate overall compliance with guidelines. Participants spent the greatest proportion on discretionary foods, which are high in fat/sugar (34路8 %), followed by meat including beef and chicken (17路0 %), fresh and frozen vegetables (13路5 %) and dairy foods (11路3 %). The average HETI score ranged from 22路6 to 93路1 (out of 100, mean 58路8 (SD 10路9)). There was a stepwise decrease in expenditure on discretionary foods by increasing HETI quintile, whereas expenditure on fruit and vegetables increased with HETI quintile (P < 0路001). The HETI score was lower in obese compared with normal-weight participants (55路9 v. 60路3; P < 0路01). Obese participants spent more on discretionary foods (38路3 v. 32路7 %; P < 0路01) and less on fruits and vegetables (19路3 v. 22路2 %; P < 0路01). The HETI may be a useful tool to describe supermarket purchasing patterns and quality of the household food supply with application for consumer feedback to assist improved quality of foods purchased.Key words: Diet quality: Supermarkets: Food supply Poor eating habits are one of the key drivers of overconsumption of energy, weight gain and obesity. Australians consume inadequate amounts of fruit, vegetables and whole grains and, on average, get about 35 % of their energy from energy-dense, nutrient-poor discretionary food and beverage items (1,2) . As a result, improving the food supply to support healthy food choices has been identified as a priority for Australian health promotion efforts and internationally (3,4) .About 60 % of Australian food retail expenditure is in the supermarket, indicating its potential as a key setting to influence the food supply (5) . Previously, supermarket purchases have been found to relate to dietary intakes, particularly at the household level (6,7) . For example, when compared with 4 d of weighed food record data, 1 month of shopping purchase information produced reasonable estimates about energy and fat intake (7) . Many nutrition interventions promoting the purchase of healthier foods have been trialled in the supermarket setting. Although the evidence is equivocal for the effectiveness of supermarket interventions focused on point-of-purchase dietary education and information provision (8,9) , the potential for success using an innovative approach in this setting has ...