Characterization of the soil and the grouping of its properties through main component analysis can assist in the classification and observation of the consequences of the conversion of native forest areas in pastures. Such data can aid in management practices. Considering the lack of studies in Cerrado soils of south-western Goias, developed metagranites of Jurubatuba suite, the objective was to classify and study the physical, chemical and mineralogical soil (under native forest and pasture) Southwest of Goias. Soil sampling and classification followed the Field Methods Manual and the Brazilian System of Soil Classification, respectively. The physical, chemical and mineralogical soil were studied, as well as main component analysis made for these attributes. The profile 1 under native forest was classified as "Cambissolo Háplico Tb eutrófico latossólico". The profile 2 under degraded pasture was rated "Latossolo Amarelo eutrófico típico". In addition, the profile 3 under rotated pasture was rated as "Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico chernossólico". It was observed that the "Latossolos" have higher bulk density and soil penetration resistance, indicating greater soil compaction. They showed high amounts of iron oxides and minor amount of nutrients such as calcium and magnesium. The principal component analysis allowed the grouping of profiles into two groups. Group 1 brought together the properties related to "Latossolos", and the second was related to "Cambissolo" properties. Thus, the principal components analysis aids the understanding of soil properties and the grouping of soils with similar characteristics, the level of order and management. Key words: Cambissolo. Latossolos. Iron and aluminum oxides.
ResumoA caracterização do solo e o agrupamento de suas propriedades por meio de análise de componentes principais podem auxiliar na classificação e na observação das consequências da conversão de áreas de mata nativa em pastagens. Tais dados podem auxiliar nas práticas de manejo adotadas. Considerando a ausência de estudos em solos do Cerrado do sudoeste goiano, desenvolvidos de metagranitos da suíte Jurubatuba, o objetivo deste trabalho foi classificar e estudar as propriedades físicas, químicas e mineralógicas de solos (sob mata nativa e pastagens) do Sudeste Goiano.