A incorporação, nos alimentos, de substâncias com alegações funcionais tem crescido nos últimos anos por conta de suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde humana. 1 Como exemplo, destaca-se a semente de linhaça (Linum usitatissimum L), uma oleaginosa em formato de grão oval, que pode ser encontrada nas colorações marrom ou dourada. Esse grão pode ser consumido in natura, triturado ou adicionado aos alimentos, sendo encontrado na forma de grão integral, moído e óleo. Seu aroma é semelhante ao das nozes, e tem sido incorporado a produtos, como pães, biscoitos e bolos. 2,3 A linhaça marrom, oriunda de clima quente e úmido, também cultivada no Brasil, adapta-se muito bem ao nosso clima. 4
AbstractThe incorporation of ingredients to bakery products has grown due to consumers' concern with health. The search for a healthy diet is increasingly present in the population, due to increased prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases. As a result, food industry has developed products enriched in some way to contribute to the health of consumers, thus preventing the occurrence of diseases related to inadequate nutrition. The brown flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed is a food ingredient with potential use due to its beneficial characteristics, adding nutritional value to food. This study aimed to formulate crackers with different proportions of bran, brown flaxseed and evaluate its physical and chemical composition, color and sensory characteristics. The cookies were prepared by adding different concentrations of brown flaxseed meal, adding 5% (F5) and 20% (F20), related to the control prepared with wheat flour. These were evaluated for their chemical composition, color, physical parameters and sensory acceptance. Cookies prepared with added brown flaxseed bran had higher protein content, mineral residue, fiber and moisture, compared with darker cookies made with wheat flour without flaxseed, and good acceptability.