Abstract-The complete labeling pattern of ergosterol isolated from(Merck, Sharpe and Dohnie, Canada). The yeasts were incubated for 20 h at 30 "C with constant aeration. A 500 ml culture of yeast was harvested by centrifuging to a final wet weight of 14g. The procedure for the isolation and purification of ergosterol was modified from that followed by Fryberg et ~1 .~ The 13C n.m.r. spectrum was determined on twice chromatographed (t.1.c. silica gel G ) ergosterol acetate (18 mg). G.1.p.c.: (98% pure), 0.25 mm i.d. x 40m column, coated with 3 % Silar-IOC on Gas-Chrom Q 100/120; temperature, 220°C; flow rate, 40 ml/min He. Relative retention time 1.6, relative to cholestanol acetate; Amax: 261.5,271, 281.5,293.5; Amax (authentic): 262, 271.5, 282, 294, envelopes were identical; m/e 378 ( M -CH,COOH), 367, 334, 312, 252. The spectrum was identical with authentic ergosterol acetate except for isotope multiplets, e.g. m/e 378 + (1,2,3, . . . The n.m.r. system consists of a Varian XL-100-15 spectrometer fitted with a TTlOO FT attachment. Conditions were: data set = 8 K; digitizing rate = 10 KHz; pulse width = 25 ,us; pulse delay = 2 s. Figure 1 (A) displays the proton noise-decoupled I3C n.m.r. spectrum of ergosterol acetate in CDCI,. The assignment of the individual carbons are indicated on the spectrum and the chemical shifts are contained in Table 1. The assignments are essentially those of Reich et al. ,5 however (see below). carbons are substantially enhanced over natural abundance. The biosynthetically enriched carbons correspond with the well-established pathway to steroids from acetyl CoA viz. acetate + mevalonate + isopentenyl pyrophosphate + farnesyl pyrophosphate 4 squalene -+ Of particular importance in the assignments of the enriched carbons are the pair of AB doublets due to 13C-l I-13C-12 and l3C-8-I3C-14, created by the head to head condensation of two farnesyl moieties and the subsequent cyclization step of squalene by cyclase. The assignments are confirmed by the carbon-carbon coupling constants, J(I 1-12) = 33 = 45 Hz.The characteristic triplet for C-12 in the enriched spectrum [ Fig. 1 (B