Cyclobis[n]helicenes( n = 3o r5 )a re chiral D 2 -symmetric p-conjugated macrocycles with stable lemniscular,o r figure-eight, shapes. The conformational analysis of five different cyclobis[n]helicenes revealed that these molecules can only exist as their lemniscular conformers with high bar-riers to enantiomerization (> 200 kJ mol À1 ). The enantiomers of ac yclobis[5]helicene were resolved by HPLC and their unusual chiroptical properties were attributed to the inherent chirality of their macrocyclic figure-eight.[e] A. Scalabre, Dr.E.P ouget ChimieetB iologiedes Membranes et des Nanoobjets (CBMN) CNRS, Bordeaux Univ,Bordeaux INP,UMR5248 AllØeS tHilaire, Bat B14, 33607 Pessac (France) Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.