Carbon markets have emerged globally as a central feature in market based strategies to address the climate crisis. Global trade in carbon is based on the premise that it is possible to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and stabilise the earth's climate, while at the same time generating new forms of capital accumulation. Amongst carbon market initiatives includes Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) type projects, that connect peasant and subsistence farmers in the south with northern consumers and industries. These projects are expanding on the African continent, giving rise to social, economic and ecological impacts. In this article we chart the responses of social movements to carbon markets. Through a study of selected NGOs active in carbon market campaigns in Uganda, we examine the strategies and tactics of movements in responding to the expanding carbon economy. Our findings demonstrate NGOs' approaches move between, and across, reformist and rebel (or radical) change agendas. Dominant strategies are directed towards reforming carbon markets and associated forestry governance. Meanwhile, a rebel, or radical change agenda -including rejecting the language and ideology of carbon trade, alongside building autonomous local level rights based movements -emerges in the constrained spaces of both privatised green economic governance and a militarised state. Given the constrained opportunities for radical movement organising, and the frequent institutionalization and limited influence of NGOs, increasing understandings of these radical change agendas and their contributions for re-imagining alternative sustainabilities is significant for scholars, activists and practitioners alike. Key words: Carbon markets, REDD, Uganda, alternative sustainabilities
RésuméLes marchés du carbone sont apparus globalement comme un élément central des stratégies basées sur le marché pour faire face à la crise climatique. Le commerce mondial du carbone repose sur le principe qu'il est possible de réduire les émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre et de stabiliser le climat de la terre tout en générant de nouvelles formes d'accumulation de capital. Parmi les initiatives du marché du carbone figurent les projets de réduction des émissions provenant du déboisement et de la dégradation (REDD), qui relient les paysans et les agriculteurs de subsistance du Sud aux consommateurs et aux industries du Nord. Ces projets se développent sur le continent africain, donnant lieu à des impacts sociaux, économiques et écologiques. Dans cet article, nous répertorions les résonances des mouvements sociaux sur les marchés du carbone. Grâce à une étude de certaines ONG actives dans les campagnes sur le marché du carbone en Ouganda, nous examinons leurs stratégies et leurs tactiques, et comment elles réagissent à l'expansion de l'économie du carbone. Nos résultats démontrent que les approches des ONGs se déplacent entre les 1 Dr Kristen Lyons, Associate Professor and Dr Peter Westoby, Senior Lecturer; School o...