The activation of CS 2 is of interesti nabroad range of fields and, more particularly,i nt he context of creating new CÀCb onds. The reaction of the dinucleary tterbium(II)c omplex [Yb 2 L 4 ], 1,[ L = (OtBu) 3 SiO À ]w ith carbon disulfide led to the isolationo fu nprecedented reduction products. In particular, the crystallographic characterization of complex [Yb 2 L 4 (m-C 2 S 2 )], 2,p rovided the first example of an acetylenedithiolate ligand formed from metal reduction of CS 2 .C omputational studies indicated that this unprecedented reactivity can be ascribed to the unusual binding mode of CS 2 2À in the isolated "key intermediate" [Yb 2 L 4 (m-CS 2 )], 3,w hich resultsf rom the dinuclear nature of 1.The activation of CS 2 by transition metals is of interest fort he development of catalysts that can convert the CS 2 pollutant, largely used as feedstock in viscose industrial production, into less toxic or useful products. [1] Numerous studies have also been driven by its similarity to CO 2 ,apotential abundant and renewable source of carbona nd the possibility of creating new CÀCb onds. [2] Metal complexes of the d [2b, c, 3] and 5f block, [4, 2d, 5] have been shown to promote aw iderange of reactions, such as CS 2 reduction to CS 2 2À ,d isproportionation to CS 3 2À andC S, head-to-headr eductiveC ÀCc oupling to afford tetrathioxalate, head-to-tail reductive CÀSc oupling, or cleavage of one CÀSb ondl eadingt oC Sa nd sulfide complexes. Complete disassembly of the CS 2 molecule has also been reported in three cases. [1b, 6] Divalent lanthanide ions display ab road range of reactivity with small unreactivem olecules, [7] but only few examples of CS 2 activationhave been reported. CS 2 activation by lanthanide ions has so far resulted in CS 2 disproportionation or reductive CÀSo rC ÀCc oupling to afford thiocarbonate, thiooxalate and thioformyl carbonotrithioate [(SCSCS 2 ) 2À ]r espectively. [8] Very recently the first example of ar are CS 2 2À dianion trapped between two Yb III ions has also been reported. [9] CO reductivec oupling by samarium(II) and uranium(III) complexesh as been reported to afford ketene carboxylate and ynediolate OÀCCÀO 2À (which act as linear k 2 -O,O' bridging ligands), respectively. [10] In contrast, the formation of the acetylenedithiolate dianion analogue (SÀCCÀS) 2À from CS 2 or CS reductionh as never been reported. Acetylenedithiolate is of interest as ab ridging ligand because of its potentialt os upport electronic communication between metal centers,b ut, due to its low stability, only af ew acetylenedithiolatec omplexesh ave been so far reported. [11] All the reported examples of CS 2 reduction by lanthanides involvet wo one-electron transfers by two metal complexes, but experimental and computational studies suggest that cooperative binding of the substrate by bimetallic intermediate is crucial in the outcomeo ft he reduction. [8c, 12] As such, the reaction of polynuclear lanthanide complexes with CS 2 is of interest because it may allow to trap reactive intermedia...