10 11We developed and tested a new method to collect CO 2 from the surface to deep layers of a 12 peatland for radiocarbon analysis. The method comprises two components: i) a probe equipped 13 with a hydrophobic filter that allows entry of peat gases by diffusion, whilst simultaneously 14 excluding water, and, ii) a cartridge containing zeolite molecular sieve that traps CO 2 passively. 15We field tested the method by sampling at depths of between 0.25 and 4 m at duplicate sites 16 within a temperate raised peat bog. CO 2 was trapped at a depth-dependent rate of between ~ 0.2-17 0.8 ml d -1 , enabling sufficient CO 2 for routine 14 C analysis to be collected when left in place for 18 several weeks. The age of peatland CO 2 increased with depth from modern to ~ 170 BP for 19 samples collected from 0.25 m, to ~ 4000 BP at 4 m. The CO 2 was younger, but followed a 20 similar trend to the age profile of bulk peat previously reported for the site (Langdon and Barber, 21 2005). δ 13 C values of recovered CO 2 increased with depth. CO 2 collected from the deepest 22 sampling probes was considerably 13 C-enriched (up to ~ +9 ‰) and agreed well with results 23 reported for other peatlands where this phenomenon has been attributed to fermentation 24 processes. CO 2 collected from plant-free static chambers at the surface of the mire was slightly 25 * Manuscript Click here to view linked References -2 -14 C-enriched compared to the contemporary atmosphere, suggesting that surface CO 2 emissions 26 were predominantly derived from carbon fixed during the post-bomb era. However, consistent 27 trends of enriched 13 C and depleted 14 C in chamber CO 2 between autumn and winter samples 28 were most likely explained by an increased contribution of deep peat CO 2 to the surface efflux in 29 winter. The passive sampling technique is readily portable, easy to install and operate, causes 30 minimal site disturbance, and can be reliably used to collect peatland CO 2 from a wide range of 31 depths. 32 33