The furniture industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the Polish economy. Unfortunately, due to national law, it involves producing a significant amount of wood-based waste, which can only be incinerated in installations that meet the requirements for waste incineration or co-incineration plants. This is due to the presence of various types of chemical additives in post-production residues, which increases the emission of hazardous compounds into the atmosphere during combustion. This article presents an analysis of the impact of the use of catalytic additives on the amount of emissions produced from the combustion of wood-based waste. For this purpose, the analyzed material was pelletized by mixing it with the DESONOX catalyst or by spraying the fuel with the DESONOX + H2O solution in a 1:1 ratio. Catalytic substances were introduced into the fuel until a concentration of 0.1% of its mass was obtained. The use of catalysts has significantly reduced CO and NOX emissions into the atmosphere. In the case of carbon monoxide, the most effective was Ad2 (reduction by 44%), and in the case of nitrogen oxides, Ad1 (reduction by 31%) achieved the best outcome. The results from this analysis may be an indication for Polish legislation encouraging furniture plants to burn this waste in their own units using catalytic substances.