O presente trabalho descreve uma metodologia analítica para determinação simultânea de ácido ascórbico (AA) e ácido úrico (AU) por voltametria de pulso diferencial empregando o surfactante catiônico cloreto de cetilpiridínio. Medidas voltamétricas de pulso diferencial realizadas em pH 7,0 revelaram que o meio micelar catiônico permite separar em 282 mV os picos de oxidação de AA e AU na mesma solução, valor suficiente para determinar ambas as espécies simultaneamente. Como em pH 7,0 o AA está mais ionizado que o AU, sua atração eletrostática em direção às micelas catiônicas, formadas sobre a superfície do eletrodo de carbono vítreo, é maior; desta forma, promove a diminuição no sobrepotencial e o aumento na taxa de transferência de elétrons. Foram construídas curvas de calibração para AA e AU na faixa de concentração de 4,70 até 220 µmol L -1 e 0,50 até 110 µmol L -1 . A metodologia proposta foi aplicada para a determinação de AA e AU em amostras de urina humana.The present work describes an analytical methodology for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA) by differential pulse voltammetry employing the cationic surfactant, cetylpyridinium chloride. Differential pulse voltammetry measurements revealed that the cationic micellar media may separate the oxidation peak potentials of AA and UA present in the same solution by about 282 mV, which is enough to determine both species simultaneously. As in pH 7.0 the AA is more ionized than UA, its electrostatic attraction towards the cationic micelles formed onto the surface of glassy carbon electrode is higher, therefore, promoting a decrease in the overpotential and increasing the electron transfer rate. Calibration curves to AA and UA in the concentration range from 4.70 up to 220 µmol L -1 and 0.50 up to 110 µmol L -1 were built. The proposed methodology was applied for the simultaneous determination of AA and UA in human urine samples.Keywords: uric acid, ascorbic acid, differential pulse voltammetry, cationic surfactant, micelles
IntroductionAscorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA) coexist in biological fluids such as blood and urine, 1 being in practical medicine, necessary to determine AA and UA simultaneously. Ascorbic acid (a water soluble vitamin C) plays a vital role in processes of oxidation and reduction in the human organism by participating in many metabolic reactions. 2 AA has also been used to prevent and treat the common cold, mental illness, infertility and cancer. 3 Moreover, ascorbic acid has also been used clinically in the treatment and prevention of scurvy. 4 Uric acid (2,6,8-trihydroxypurine, UA) is the primary product of purine metabolism in the human body and is formed in liver and tissues during the oxidation of aminopurines. 5 Its abnormal concentration level in urine and serum are symptoms of several diseases like gout, hyperuricaemia and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. 6,7 For instance, the concentration of uric acid in the blood of patients suffering from gout increases up to 1 mmol L -1 , which is above the concentration ...