This paper presents a set of developed tools and methods for the stray light analysis of the Compact Gas Imager, a new sensor concept to capture images of gases, featuring a peculiar optical concept. The disruptive optical concept requires an adaptation of existing tools and the development of new technics for accurate stray light analysis. The described approach consists in deriving the stray light requirements from the requirements for the gas concentration by use of theoretical models and a set of approximations. The coupling of analytical models implemented in MatLab with conventional FRED modeling allows the assessment of stray light performance, i.e. the estimate of the impact of ghost (parasite interferograms) and diffuse stray light on the Compact Gas Imager performance. The analysis of the simulation results highlights the design changes and countermeasures required to achieve the system performance objectives.The Compact Gas Imager concept associates interferometric and multispectral push broom imager technologies, thus the stray light methods and techniques discussed in the paper are suitable for a wide range of space applications.