99 biopsies from the contralateral testis in patients with unilateral germ cell tumor were investigated using the semithin section technique. Four cases (4%) revealed a carcinoma in situ (CIS) pattern. Two patients underwent a local radiation (20 Gy), 2 patients received combination chemotherapy (cisplatin, etoposide and bleomycin; PEB). No tumor cells were found in control biopsies 4-8 months after therapy. Both biopsy specimens taken from radiated patients lacked also germ cells. In contrast, 1 patient who was treated with PEB and also another 1 presenting with a teratocarcinoma of apparently retro-peritoneal origin and unilateral CIS revealed germ cells after chemotherapy. The present data suggest radiation therapy to be the first line treatment for CIS-bearing testes. In order to get informations about the distribution of CIS cells in the affected testes, one or two biopsies were additionally taken from macroscopically unsuspicious tissue surrounding various solid germ cell tumors (74 patients). 56 cases (76 %) revealed CIS. Even considering the possibility of missing CIS, a screening biopsy is actually the only method for detecting early manifestations of germ cell tumors and should be performed routinely in contralateral testes of patients with germ cell tumors.