SUMMARYA 62-year-old woman was struck by lightning while on a mountain and fortunately did not suffer burns or unconsciousness. She stayed at a mountain lodge overnight and was taken to our hospital by helicopter the next day. Upon admission, electrocardiography showed ST segment elevation indicating acute lateral myocardial infarction, and echocardiography showed takotsubo-shaped hypokinesis of the left ventricle indicating an apical aneurysm. Her serum escaped enzyme levels were increased, as is typical in cases of myocardial infarction, however, she did not complain of cardiac symptoms. Coronary arteriography performed 4 days after admission showed a normal coronary artery while left ventriculography showed apical akinesia. An echocardiogram obtained 2 days later showed resolution of the LV wall motion abnormality. This is the first reported case of takotsubo cardiomyopathy caused by lightning. Takotsubo-shaped hypokinesis is not described as a complication of lightning-induced cardiac injury and its pathogenesis remains controversial. (Int Heart J 2005; 46: 933-938) Key words: Takotsubo-shaped hypokinesis, Lightning, Catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy
CASE REPORTA 62-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital in July 2004 after being struck by lightning. Before the event, she had been healthy, and the results of electrocardiography (ECG) performed at her annual health examinations were normal. She was climbing Mt. Hakuba (2932 meters) with two other people when her walking-stick was struck by lightning. All three stayed at a mountain lodge that night, and the next day they were brought to our hospital by helicopter. Upon admission, the woman complained of a slight headache, but there were no cardiac symptoms. However, one of her companions had sustained second-degree burns From the