The vestibular system participates in cardiovascular regulation during postural changes. In prior studies (Holmes MJ, Cotter LA, Arendt HE, Cas SP, and Yates BJ. Brain Res 938: 62-72, 2002, and Jian BJ, Cotter LA, Emanuel BA, Cass SP, and Yates BJ. J Appl Physiol 86: 1552-1560, transection of the vestibular nerves resulted in instability in blood pressure during nose-up body tilts, particularly when no visual information reflecting body position in space was available. However, recovery of orthostatic tolerance occurred within 1 wk, presumably because the vestibular nuclei integrate a variety of sensory inputs reflecting body location. The present study tested the hypothesis that lesions of the vestibular nuclei result in persistent cardiovascular deficits during orthostatic challenges. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored in five conscious cats during nose-up tilts of varying amplitude, both before and after chemical lesions of the vestibular nuclei. Before lesions, blood pressure remained relatively stable during tilts. In all animals, the blood pressure responses to nose-up tilts were altered by damage to the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei; these effects were noted both when animals were tested in the presence and absence of visual feedback. In four of the five animals, the lesions also resulted in augmented heart rate increases from baseline values during 60°nose-up tilts. These effects persisted for longer than 1 wk, but they gradually resolved over time, except in the animal with the worst deficits. These observations suggest that recovery of compensatory cardiovascular responses after loss of vestibular inputs is accomplished at least in part through plastic changes in the vestibular nuclei and the enhancement of the ability of vestibular nucleus neurons to discriminate body position in space by employing nonlabyrinthine signals. vestibular system; excitotoxicity; compensation; multisensory integration A SUBSTANTIAL BODY OF EVIDENCE from experiments on both animal and human subjects has demonstrated that the vestibular system contributes to adjusting vascular resistance and blood pressure during movement and changes in posture. Electrical or selective natural stimulation of vestibular receptors in cats elicits alterations in activity of sympathetic efferents innervating vascular smooth muscle (for review, see Refs. 21,37,40,41,44). In baroreceptor-denervated animals, vestibular-elicited alterations in sympathetic nerve activity can produce changes in blood pressure (35) and blood flow to specific vascular beds (20). Similarly, in humans, modulation of vestibular nerve activity through head-down neck flexion (11,16,26,27,29), linear acceleration of the body (38), caloric stimulation of the ear (8, 9), or off-vertical-axis rotation (19) elicits alterations in sympathetic nerve firing. Prior studies have also considered whether loss of vestibular inputs may result in susceptibility for blood pressure instability during postural changes. Elderly human subjects, who experience a loss of both ...