Spirituality is a trasendental relationship and the creation of unity relations between nature and humans, the universe and unity between individuals and God. The formulation of the research problem is how to implementation of the Spirituality of Saint Francis of Assisi in the life of the brotherhood in Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi Simalingkar B Medan. The purpose of the study was to explain the findings of the implementation of the spirituality of SFA in the life of the brotherhood in SFMA Simalingkar B Medan. The design of the research used is qualitative research using analytical procedures that produce descriptive-qualitative data. The sample technique used to determine the informant is a snowball sampling technique consisting of 10 SFMA sisters. Primary data sources come from interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study were analyzed using milles and hubberman models were data reduction, data presentation, the drafting of conclusions. Stages of research, namely data transcription, data identification, data classification, data interpretation, data description. The technique used to ensure the level of data validation is triangulation, examination of colleagues, and auditing. The results are SFMA sisters have made Christ the center of living in brotherhood in the community. This brotherhood is turned on by the sabda and is supported by various prayer practices. Brotherhood among the sisters based on the love of the gospel while still prioritizing the attitude of accepting, aware of the similarities between one and the others, namely together with total. Open each other, understand each other and willing to sacrifice. This spirituality implementation is expected to remain maintained because of this spiritual implementation as the basic capital in fulfilling the call as a religus.
Keywords: Spirituality, Saint Francis of Assisi, Brotherhood, Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi.