This study was a descriptive exploratory investigation into the transition to adulthood in Brazilian young people of differing socioeconomic status (SES), considering the phenomenon of Emerging Adulthood (EA). The variables analyzed were sociodemographic aspects, perceptions of adulthood, access to technology, and educational and employment status. The sample included 547 young people ranging between 18 and 29 years of age, residents of Porto Alegre (RS), of low and high SES. More than 50% of the total sample reported that they felt in-between adolescence and adulthood, which may indicate the existence of EA in individuals of both SES. However, EA was more likely to be present in high SES contexts. The low SES group presented a tendency to assume adult responsibilities earlier, which blocks their opportunities for experiencing a period of identity exploration. Resumen: Este estudio constituyó una investigación exploratoria descriptiva de carácter trasversal sobre la transición para la vida adulta en brasileños de diferentes niveles socioeconómicos (NSE), considerando el fenómeno llamado de adultez emergente (AE). Fueron analizadas variables sociodemográficas, como percepción de adultez, tiempo libre, acceso a la tecnología, nivel educativo y estatus laboral. La muestra fue compuesta por 547 jóvenes de ambos sexos, residentes en Porto Alegre (RS), entre 18 y 29 años; de NSE bajo y alto. Más del 50% de la muestra total señaló percibirse ambivalente en cuanto a haber llegado o no a la vida adulta, lo que puede indicar la presencia de la AE en sujetos de ambos NSEs. Sin embargo, la AE se mostró más probable de ocurrir en contextos de NSE alto. El grupo de NSE bajo presentó tendencia a asumir responsabilidades adultas precozmente, lo que dificulta la experimentación en un período más exploratorio de sus identidades. The concept of emerging adulthood (EA) arose in the last decade in the context of developmental psychology. It refers to the period subsequent to adolescence, when young people are gradually preparing themselves to enter adult life. This recent concept is related to changes in industrialized Western countries, such as the advent of the contraceptive pill, tolerance of premarital sex, technological advances, and the increase in the years dedicated to professional qualification, among others (Arnett, 2005). These changes increased the options to be explored by young people between 18 and 29 years of age, since they began to have greater freedom in central fields of their lives, such as employment and loving relationships. Due to these factors, the period between adolescence and adulthood was extended.