ABSTRACT. Background. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) affects ϳ1 in 1000 live births and is the most common cause of infant death after the perinatal period.Objective. To determine the influence of air pollution on the incidence of SIDS.Methods. Time-series analyses were performed to compare the daily mortality rates for SIDS and the daily air pollution concentrations in each of 12 Canadian cities during the period of 1984-1999. Serial autocorrelation was controlled for by city, and then the city-specific estimates were pooled. Increased daily rates of SIDS were associated with increases, on the previous day, in the levels of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), and carbon monoxide but not ozone or fine particles measured every sixth day. Effects persisted despite adjustments for season alone or the combination of daily mean temperature, relative humidity, and changes in barometric pressure for NO 2 and SO 2 but not carbon monoxide.Results. Increases in both SO 2 and NO 2 , equivalent to their interquartile ranges, were associated with a 17.72% increase in SIDS incidence.Conclusion. Ambient SO 2 and NO 2 may be important risk factors for SIDS. Pediatrics 2004;113:e628 -e631. URL: http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/113/6/e628; air pollution, epidemiology, SIDS.ABBREVIATIONS. SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome; PM 10 , particulate matter with a median aerodynamic diameter of Ͻ10 m.