Empirical correlates of common Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) 2-point codes were identified for a sample of 1,213 inpatient men. A comprehensive standardized review of the hospital record was undertaken, and clinically relevant demographic, diagnostic, and behavioral information was extracted from intake summaries obtained prior to administration of the MMPI-2. Nonmutually exclusive psychiatric diagnoses found in the sample included substance abuse or dependence, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar affective disorder post-traumatic stress disorder, and other anxiety disorders as well as personality disorders. Subsamples consisting of the five most frequently obtained well-defined 2-point code types were selected, and empirical correlates of each code type were then identified and described. Remarkable consistency was found between the empirical correlates of the code types obtained in this study and the correlates of the same code types described by other investigators 40 years ago.