Background: In the past few decades library was the only source of information. Most of people were totally dependent library for gaining knowledge. After the 20th century there has been marked increase in internet usage. Some people consider libraries to be unnecessary due to the availability of information on the Internet. Others, however, believe that libraries can still play an important role in education. A library is much more than a means of distribution of the information; it also has a vital role in academic purpose. Library developed a wide range services to meet the educational objectives of their parent institutions. School libraries clearly need to support the curriculum, but they also collect books and other materials to encourage reading and spirit of enquiring, as well as to meet the need of the teacher and students. On the one hand, the Internet enables the users to obtain a wide range of information regardless of their locations.Students would not travel to a library in order to read books or any other reading materials as they have access to the information via the web research. For example, if an individual inserts few keywords on the websites, he will be given a rich variety of the related information from all over the world within a minute. Therefore, using the Internet for acquiring information may cause a situation where visiting libraries seem to have no necessity for the Internet users. Libraries have been given less importance in society, compared to the past. While some people believe that the libraries are no longer essential because of the Internet, Upcoming digitalized world is totally dependent on internet. Various researches have been done in different profession on comparing use of internet and library as scientific source of information, thus investigators finds interest to assess the scientific sources of information in nursing profession.
Objectives of the Study a)To determine the utilization of library books as a source of scientific information by students b) To assess the utilization of internet as a source of scientific information by nursing student.
c)To assess the satisfaction of library & internet utilization by nursing students.
ResearchMethodology a) Research Approach: Descriptive Survey b) Research Design: Non Experimental Descriptive cross sectional c) Setting: Selected nursing college d) Population: Nursing Feminist e) Sample: Nursing students of Selected nursing college f) Sampling technique: Non probability convenient sampling g) Sample Size: 105 nursing students h) Data collection tool: Self structured questionnaire.