We show that the Casimir force and energy are modified in the κ-deformed space-time. This is analysed by solving the Green's function corresponding to κ-deformed scalar field equation in presence of two parallel plates, modelled by δ-function potentials. Exploiting the relation between energy-momentum tensor and Green's's function, we calculate the correction to Casimir force, valid upto second order in the deformation parameter. The Casimir force is shown to get corrections which scale as L −4 and L −6 and both these types of corrections produce attractive forces. Using the measured value of Casimir force, we show that the deformation parameter should be below 10 −23 m. length (introduced through the space-time non-commutativity) and that of modified quantisation rules in physical phenomena. Introduction of minimal length scale also leads to modification of commutation relations between coordinates and momenta and this results in generalised uncertainty principle(GUP). Non-commutativity is also known to result changes in the energy-momentum relations. Various implications of these modifications have been studied [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21] .One of the well studied phenomena where the length scale play an important role is the Casimir effect [26]. It has been known that two conducting plates kept parallel, separated by very small distance, do attract each other. This force is known to arise due to the vacuum fluctuations of the quantised fields. This phenomenon has been studied for various other geometrical configurations such as conducting sphere and plate etc [26].Casimir force has been investigated experimentally with great accuracy and at present it has been measured for separations of the plates of the order of few micrometers [27]. These results have been used to obtain constraints on the corrections to Newtonian gravity [28].Though the length scales at which measurements of Casimir effect are made at present and quantum gravity effects are expected to be important are very different, it is worth studying the possible modification of Casimir effect due to space-time non-commutativity. Many results in this direction have been reported in recent times. Effects of minimal length, GUP and modified dispersion relations on Casimir force and corresponding energy have been investigated by various authors [29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37].Generalised commutation relations between coordinates and momenta as well as those between coordinates among themselves have been studied in the context of quantum gravity and they are known to be related to generalised uncertainty relations and minimal length scale. These coordinates are realised in terms of usual coordinates, momenta and parameter(s) characterising the modified commutation relations. Further, it was shown that the maximally localised state corresponding to these operators are different from the plane waves, yet they are normalisable [29,30]. The GUPs have been shown to lead to non-trivial measure in momentum space. The modification brought in by these changes to d...