Let d ∈ N and let D d denote the class of all pairs (R, M) in which R = n∈N 0 R n is a Noetherian homogeneous ring with Artinian base ring R 0 and such that M is a finitely generated graded R-The cohomology table of a pair (R, M) ∈ D d is defined as the family of non-negative integers d M := (d i M (n)) (i,n)∈N×Z . We say that a subclass C of D d is of finite cohomology if the set {d M | (R, M) ∈ C} is finite. A set S ⊆ {0, . . . ,d − 1} × Z is said to bound cohomology, if for each family (h σ ) σ ∈S of non-negative integers, the class {(R, M) ∈ D d | d i M (n) h (i,n) for all (i, n) ∈ S} is of finite cohomology. Our main result says that this is the case if and onlyif S contains a quasi diagonal, that is a set of the form {(i, n i ) | i = 0, . . . ,d − 1} with integers n 0 > n 1 > · · · > n d−1 .We draw a number of conclusions of this boundedness criterion.