The conformation of L-malate bound at the active site of Ascaris m u m malic enzyme has been investigated by electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy. Dipolar interactions between Mn2+ bound to the enzyme active site and deuterium specifically placed at the 2-position, the 3R-position, and the 3s-position of L-malate were observed. The intensities of these interactions are related to the distance between each deuterium and Mn2+. Several models of possible Mn-malate complexes were constructed using molecular graphics techniques, and conformational searches were conducted to identify conformers of malate that meet the distance criteria defined by the spectroscopic measurements. These searches suggest that L-malate binds to the enzyme active site in the trans conformation, which would be expected to be the most stable conformer in solution, not in the gauche conformer, which would be more similar to the conformation required for oxidative decarboxylation of oxalacetate formed from L-malate at the active site of the enzyme.Keywords: decarboxylation; EPR spectroscopy; malic enzyme; substrate conformationThe mitochondrial NAD-malic enzyme (EC from Ascaris suum catalyzes the divalent metal ion-dependent oxidative decarboxylation of L-malate utilizing NAD to yield pyruvate, CO,, and NADH. Several different divalent metal ions including Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+ (Schimerlik et at.,