The specific acitivity of cerebral histamine N-methyltransferase (HMT) was significantly lower in the audiogenic seizure-susceptible (SS) 21-day old DBA/2J mouse when compared to the non-susceptible 70-day old DBA/2J mouse but not when compared to the seizure resistant (SR) C57B1/6J mouse at 21 days of age. There was no significant difference between the two strains at 70 days of age. The lower HMT specific activity was also observed in a SS mutant of the deermouse Peromyuscus maniculatus, relative to the SR, wild-type animal. The activity of cerebral catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) was significantly lower in the DBA/2J mice relative to the C57B1/6J at 21 and 70 days while, in Peromyscus, it was higher in the SS mutant than in the SR animal. The activity of MAO, B was lower in the 21-day old, relative to the 70-day old DBA/2J and the 21-day old C57B1/6J mice. There were no differences in MAO A or B between SS and SR Peromyscus. The findings raise the possibility that cerebral methylation may operate at characteristic rates in SS animals.