Agonist-evoked endocytosis of G protein-coupled receptors has been extensively studied. The mechanisms by which agonists stimulate mobilization and plasma membrane translocation of G protein-coupled receptors from intracellular stores are unexplored. Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR 2 ) traffics to lysosomes, and sustained protease signaling requires mobilization and plasma membrane trafficking of PAR 2 from Golgi stores. We evaluated the contribution of protein kinase D (PKD) and G␥ to this process. In HEK293 and KNRK cells, the PAR 2 agonists trypsin and 2-furoyl-LIGRLO-NH 2 activated PKD in the Golgi apparatus, where PKD regulates protein trafficking. PAR 2 activation induced translocation of G␥, a PKD activator, to the Golgi apparatus, determined by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer between G␥-Venus and giantin-Rluc8. Inhibitors of PKD (CRT0066101) and G␥ (gallein) prevented PAR 2 -stimulated activation of PKD. CRT0066101, PKD1 siRNA, and gallein all inhibited recovery of PAR 2 -evoked Ca 2؉ signaling. PAR 2 with a photoconvertible Kaede tag was expressed in KNRK cells to examine receptor translocation from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane. Irradiation of the Golgi region (405 nm) induced green-red photo-conversion of PAR 2 -Kaede. Trypsin depleted PAR 2 -Kaede from the Golgi apparatus and repleted PAR 2 -Kaede at the plasma membrane. CRT0066101 inhibited PAR 2 -Kaede translocation to the plasma membrane. CRT0066101 also inhibited sustained protease signaling to colonocytes and nociceptive neurons that naturally express PAR 2 and mediate protease-evoked inflammation and nociception. Our results reveal a major role for PKD and G␥ in agonist-evoked mobilization of intracellular PAR 2 stores that is required for sustained signaling by extracellular proteases.