The important increase in life expectancy of adult patients with congenital heart disease (ACHD) has generated new challenges, including arrhythmias that represent one of the main late complications. Reentrant atrial arrhythmias are by far the main mechanism encountered, and catheter ablation has been now presented as a first-line therapy in this patient population. The number of procedures is expected to continuously increase year after year. The heterogeneity and complexity of phenotypes encountered require these cases to be performed by highly experienced operators, in specialized centers with multidisciplinary competencies. A thorough knowledge and understanding of anatomic specificities, vascular access issues, and main circuits encountered according to underlying phenotype is essential. Acute success rates have significantly improved and are now excellent, but recurrences remain a common issue, with different mechanisms or circuits frequently encountered. Observational data have suggested the interest of systematically targeting all inducible atrial arrhythmias, whether previously documented or not, and a lot of hope and research is based on the prediction of arrhythmia substrate before arrhythmia development by imaging or electroanatomic mapping to deliver a prophylactic patient tailored ablation approach. In this review, we summarize those different points in the most common or distinctive defects to offer a didactic overview of atrial flutter catheter ablation in ACHD patients.