The electrochemical reduction of CO 2 holds great promise for lowering the concentrationo fC O 2 in the Earth's atmosphere.H owever,s everalc hallenges have hindered the commercialization of this technology,i ncluding energy efficiency,t he solubility of CO 2 in the aqueous phase, and elec-trode stability. In this Minireview,w eh ighlight and summarize the main advantages and limitations that metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) may offer in this field of research, either when used directly as electrocatalysts or when used as catalyst precursors. velopedt od ate, features cathode and anode compartments that are filled with an aqueous electrolyte and separated by a membrane. MOF and MOF-derived catalystsa re mostly particles, and are used as supported catalysts in CO 2 ER cells. The CO 2 molecules approacht he catalytic sites throughd iffusion in the aqueous phase, and several valuable products can be generated, such as CO, C 2 H 4 ,H COOH, oxalic acid, and alcohols. As [a] R.