ConspectusRecent advances enabling accurate and efficient determination of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) parameters in periodic systems have revolutionized the application of Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations in solid-state NMR spectroscopy, particularly among experimentalists. Much of the information present in solid-state NMR spectra remains unexploited owing to the difficulty of obtaining high-resolution spectra, and their often challenging assignment. The use of first-principles calculations aids both in the interpretation and assignment of the complex spectral lineshapes observed for solids. Furthermore, for materials with poorly characterized structures calculations provide a method for evaluating potential structural models against experimental data. Determining the structure of well-ordered, periodic crystalline solids can be straightforward using methods exploiting Bragg diffraction.However, it is often the deviations from periodicity, e.g., compositional, positional or temporal disorder, that produce the physical properties (e.g., ferroelectricity or ionic conductivity) that may be of commercial interest. As NMR is sensitive to the atomic-scale environment, it provides a potentially useful tool for studying disordered materials, and the combination of experiment with first-principles calculations offers a particularly attractive approach. In this account we discuss some of the issues associated with the practical implementation of first-principles calculations of NMR parameters in solids, before illustrating the structural insight that can be obtained when such calculations are applied to disordered inorganic materials with two key examples. First, the cation disorder in Y 2 Ti 2-x Sn x O 7 pyrochlore ceramics (materials proposed as host phases for the encapsulation of lanthanide-and actinide-bearing radioactive waste) is investigated using 89 Y and 119 Sn NMR. In a second example, 17 O NMR is used to probe the dynamic disorder of H in hydroxyl-humite minerals (nMg 2 SiO 4 .Mg(OH) 2 ), and 19 F NMR is exploited to understand F substitution in these systems. The combined use of first-principles calculations and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy has much to offer for the investigation of local structure, disorder and dynamics in solids, and applications will undoubtedly become more 3 widespread with future computational and experimental advances. Insight into the atomic-scale environment is a crucial first step in understanding the structure-property relationships in solids, and enabling the efficient design of future materials for a range of ultimate end uses.4