The prominent approach for reducing a problem's complexity is to decompose it into less complex subproblems, solve each of these, and then aggregate the subsolutions into an overall solution. In time prediction contexts, this approach is typically the basis of what has been referred to as the bottom-up method, the activity-based method, or predictions based on a work breakdown structure. Generally, across a range of domains, decomposition has been found to improve judgement quality and increase prediction accuracy [1]. In the domain of time predictions, however, there are also situations in which decomposition leads to overoptimistic and less accurate judgements [2].The time prediction literature has examined two types of decomposition strategies: unpacking, which consists of merely listing or thinking about the subcomponents of a task before predicting the time usage as a whole, and decomposition, which consists of unpacking, predicting the time usage for each unpacked component, and then aggregating the time predictions into a prediction of the total time usage.Unpacking: Unpacking tend to give higher time predictions. For example, if you ask people to list all the persons for whom they must buy Christmas presents, they will tend to predict that they need more time to complete their Christmas shopping compared to those who did not generate such a list. Unpacking strategies may be based either on the self-generation of components, as in the example above, or on reminding the participants of possible subcomponents, for example, by using a checklist for activities to be included. Checklists, or reminders, are usually very effective and easy to implement and may improve the accuracy of time predictions, particularly in situations in which there is a tendency towards overoptimistic time predictions [3]. In one study illustrating how unpacking tends to increase time predictions, participants were instructed to format a document to match a printed, edited version of the same document. When asked to predict how long it would take to format the document without any reminders of the work's components, the participants predicted, on average, eight and a half minutes. When asked to predict how long it would take with reminders of the work's components, such as including italics and special characters (ђ,ǒ, î), the participants predicted, on average, about 13 minutes [4].In many cases, the increase in time predictions from unpacking a task contributes to greater realism [5]. Projects that used checklists when predicting time were, for example, more accurate and less overoptimistic (with predictions, on average, 10% too low) than projects that did not (with predictions, on average, 38% too low) [3]. Although unpacking may generally contribute to more accurate and less overoptimistic time predictions, this may not always be the case. Pointing out obvious components of a task, small and simple components, or components that are part of the last steps of a task may not lead to more accurate time predictions [4].There are also ...